Chinese medicine is profound. It is the result of thousands of years of accumulated experience and wisdom of medical practitioners. It can treat and prevent even dreaded modern diseases, for example in the SARS period, some Chinese medicine doctors made use of Chinese medicine prescriptions from many hundreds of years ago to cure countless people. In fact, Chinese medicine contains not only the drugs and diagnostic techniques but also, more importantly, principles of medical science and its philosophy. Because of the correct concepts, it is more effective and able to keep patients away from disease than expensive drugs or dangerous surgeries. The Holistic Concept of Chinese Medicine
Chinese traditional culture believes that nature and man are one, emphasizing harmony with nature. It is a humanized science. From the Chinese medicine point of view, a person is a whole unit and indivisible. Thus, although different organs of human body have different functions, they are both different and interrelated to constitute an integrated relationship. That is, one must not treat the health problems individually or take stop-gap measures, rather one should carefully analyze all organs and tissues altogether and the imbalanced condition of all organs, tissues and their orifices throughout the body.
Characteristics of TCM Village
Syndrome Differentiation Combining Four Diagnostic Methods
The methods of Chinese Medicine "Inspection, Auscultation-Olfaction, Interrogation and Palpation" are used to understand the patient's condition and to clearly show the conditions of the five internal organs of a patient. Each of four diagnostic methods has a different purpose and all are indispensable. It is necessary to use them as a whole, coupled with physician's professional knowledge and experience of pathology, to obtain comprehensive understandings of causes.
Inspection: To observe the patient's physical condition, such as facial appearance, tongue coating and so on.
Auscultation-Olfaction: Listen to the patient's speech, cough, wheezing sound and body odor.
Interrogation: Ask the patient about his/her condition, medical history, symptoms.
Palpation: Feel the pulse by hand or press the abdomen to examine if there are abnormalities.
The Powerful Healing Effect of Traditional Therapy
Chinese Medicine: coupling medicine and Siqi and Wuwei Theory, it goes straight to the lesion and treats it from the root. |
Acupuncture: sustains the body's positive energy, adjusts the hyper-functionality and redirects it into balance, and activates the physiological function and collaboration of organs. |
Moxibustion: Warms and activates qi and blood, supplements yang, dredges the meridians, sustains the positive and suppresses the negative. |
Cupping: guides qi and blood. It not only strengthens body resistance and restores qi, but also eliminates pathogens, purges fire, opens obstructions, and dissipates stasis when combined with acupuncture. |
Gua Sha (Scrapping): mobilizes the body's self-defense system to adjust the imbalance of qi and blood; through the process, scrapping expels deep toxins from the body's metabolism to prevent disease or progress of existing illness. |
Tui Na Massage (Techniques): regulates yin and yang, repairs deficiency, reduces excess, promotes flow of qi and blood, and stimulates the function of self-defense. |
Tian Jiu:externally applied with Chinese medicine on relevant acupuncture points during the hottest days so as to enhance positive/yang qi, disperse cold, strengthen yang, and dispel pathologic factors. |
Combine Acupuncture/Traditional Treatments and Medicine to Treat and Facilitate from the Inside Out
Chinese medicine places emphasis on treating the symptoms as well as taking care of the source. Once the cause is identified, treat the outside symptoms at the relevant acupuncture points, coupled with customized Chinese medicine to tone the condition from inside to completely cure the illness.